Curating Experiences

I’m told that I am a keen observer…don’t know about that but I have often had the opportunity to watch the myriad hues of life from close quarters. This has brought in an insight which led to several meaningful engagements over these years. My journey has taken me through several corridors - from healthcare and hospitality to crafts, design and philanthropy.
I was fortunate to have been part of a family which was unconventional in many ways and honed a keen appreciation of the finer things. This orientation lived and grew within me and took the form of The India Story in 2015. The trajectory of this last decade has been one of immense learning - one of being and becoming.
2025 marks the tenth year of The India Story, unbelievable actually that we are 10 NOW! Though much is done, a lot remains to be explored and this milestone edition takes us into a path of new directions. This year is special for us and I am truly grateful for each and every person who has been a part of this decade-long journey with TIS. We are here today because of the tireless hard work of our people, encouraged by the love and support of our patrons and guests and guided by the grace of elders. We hope to be able to continue to make a difference and create wonderful memories at The India Story.